Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chapter 12 Summary

In chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies some events occur. Jack's tribe tried to capture and kill Ralph, but couldn't, so he captures Sam and Eric. Ralph hid in a thicket and Jack's hunters can't find him. They try poking at it but they think he is not in there. Jack's tribe could not find Ralph, so they try to get Sam and Eric to tell them where Ralph is hiding, but they did not tell them. They still cannot find Ralph, so they set the entire island on fire to try and smoke him out. A navy man sees the fire and rescues all the remaining boys. Ralph tells the sailor that he is the leader of the whole group.

My response to chapter 12 is that all of the boys turned into savages and were idiots. I am also surprised that they were rescued from the island.

Daniel VanGilder

Personal Response to Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies was not what I wanted it to be like. It was confusing and hard to follow along with. It had a good thesis behind it, that I could understand. The characters were hard to understand how they felt and who they were. The story switched from character to character quickly and it was hard to understand who the story was talking about at most times.

The group work we did was better than what I thought it would be. How I contributed to our overall points was not my best, at all. I was confused in the book and the class work was more confusing because I could not follow with the book. My partner contributed to our overall points in a very positive way. He did all of his work the best he could and all of it was on time. To do better I could ask more questions in class. What I would change about my work next time is I would turn in my homework on time.

Daniel VanGilder

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Personal response to Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies was not, what i think was the best book. The book was kind of confusing on what was occurring. I could not get into the plot of it. I am a person that likes action and suspense. The background of every person was not really understood.

On my group I think we did pretty decent. I contributed by doing my blogs and reading the book. I understood a little bit of what was happening. My partner think he did alright. There was times where we had to rely on me only.

Joe Gomez

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chapter 11 summary and response

In this chapter of Lord of the Flies they make a decision. Piggy wants his glasses back, so Ralph decides to go confront Jack. When Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric get to the place where they have the fire, they are surrounded. All they see is face paint and spears. Ralph tried to ask jack nicely for Piggy's glasses. Jack grabbed a spear and charged at Ralph. Ralph punched jack and got away.

My own response to this is that either Jack or Ralph are going to kill each other. Jacks top priority is to get rid of Ralph. In this chapter Jack attempts to try and succeed his task but fails. I have a feeling that maybe Jack is going to be killed. Then Ralph could take control again.

Joe Gomez