Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapter 1 Summary

In Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies Ralph met Piggy while walking through the woods. Piggy had seen a conch shell and Ralph picked it up. After a couple of tries of blowing through the conch shell it worked. Many children started coming out of the woods to Ralph. There was a meeting after the children gathered. There was a vote between Ralph and Jack, Jack was a chorister of his group, the vote came out to be Ralph as the leader. Ralph, Jack, and Simon go up on top of a mountainto see where they are. Once at the top they find they are on a island and there are no adults. They find a noise in a bush and it was a pig Jack had the pig and his knife but could not kill it. They once again call another meeting.

My response to chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies is that Ralph will become a great leader. I also believe that Jack will rise up and try to overrule Ralph. They must stick together and trust each other to keep up their survival chances.

Daniel VanGilder

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